Our Impact
Every Simbi Sold Provides Funding To Purify At Least 1 Gallon Of Water Per Day
Water Purified: 30,000,000 & Counting
Jobs Created: 250 & Counting
2011: "F Series" System, Wharf Jeremie
“Cases of cholera dropped from 80/day to 5/day after the filtration system was installed.”
During the peak of the Cholera outbreak in 2011, our first “F Series” system was installed in a clinic in Wharf Jeremie, the second largest slum in Port-au-Prince.
In addition to filtration, over 10,000 gallons of water are physically delivered daily by trucks to prevent future shortage of access to clean water.
This water filtration system was donated by the owners of Simbi and has played an active part in reducing the number of deaths there during the height of the cholera outbreak.
The system continues to work daily and provides purified water to the clinic, school, and families of the neighborhood slum.
Montrouis, Haiti
The second system was installed at an orphanage in Montrouis, a small coastal community located 60 miles north of Port-au-Prince. Clean water is not only provided to the orphanage but is also available to the local community at affordable cost.
Bringing Filtered Water Awareness & Education To Haiti
Through our affiliation with Dlohaiti's Watering Minds, a for-profit venture providing safe drinking water to underserved areas of Haiti through a decentralized water purification & distribution model, we are able to bring awareness & education of the importance of filtered water and hydration. Dlohaiti delivers filtered water to surrounding schools, where each classroom receives 1 jug of clean water per day, which supplies enough for the entire class!
Children from one of DloHaiti's supported schools in Port-au-Prince

One of the many jugs of safe drinking water provided to each classroom

Motor-truck used for transport safe drinking water

Storage unit constructed to store jugs of water upon arrival

Staff member from another of our sponsored schools in the capital

Sorting of water jugs prior to distribution